Wednesday 26 April 2017

Wari` Amazon Secondlife is back

After almost a year break, Wari` tribe is back in Amazon River Secondlife. We are small but hey number is just a number if you want to have fun.

There have been few attacks , war and fights. It was all for fun purposes.

A journal from the Wari` Ketua , Henry about the recen attack:

"Today Wari fought the evil Mercs bravely but sadly not very successfully . Rumors say Ketua Henry did fall together with Merc Katie into a magic hole and so Widow was saved while Chief was shot down  by the waiting Merc when he passed the magic passage.
Aiko , Jai and Rorik defend meanwhile the camp, but were finally overpowered. All went to the cells and had to face torture and even death.  Aiko bravely took horrible torture , Jai and Rorik being molested and Henry  will never learn how to pay ransom and refused to give away 5 soups to Kylie as repayment for lost soup because Rorik attacked.

So in the end Aiko was tortured again, Rorik and Jai molested and Henry , to stubborn to pay , got drowned, crushed, castrated by piranhas not having the slightest clue how to give a pleasant blow job and then eaten by crocs.  But because he is loaded with voodo could somehow still get out of the water alive ( What did we learn? crocs are too stupid to dive actually)  , so all came home and will need to heal all the outer and inner bruises.

We did lose , but we fought bravely, we did not whine like others and all had fun. We also learned, that Kylie is a female version of Frank ´n  Furter, Katie a Schwarzenegger light and Wari train Powerlifting with fake Merc female tits . ( thats why we ar so strong )  and that the only reason we can tell who are the Merc males are is.: .they wear hats... "

Wednesday 19 August 2015


Dear Wari,

This is the most simplest and briefest manual on how to use the barrel. If you still don`t know how to fill in the barrel..please feel free to ask the elders.


A- To store trade item

1) Wear your Wari Amazon Tribe Tag

2) Right click the barrel (both are link together- small barrel and big barrel)

3) When you right click- a pie menu will comes up

4) Click Edit

5) In Edit menu you will see edit building options

6) Click "edit linked parts. (note: firestorm users if this doesn't work check:  top tool bar - build- options -
select only me objects - off)

7) Click the bigger barrel while you are still in edit linked part mode. You can see only the bigger barrel is highlighted which means you are now only editing the bigger barrel.

8) With your edit building still opens for you - drag your trade item to the content tab of the bigger barrel.

9) Sometimes when there are too many things in the barrel- it takes times to load. So just wait.

10) Close the edit menu

You are done.

B- To get the items from the storage

1) Wear Wari Tag

2) Touch the storage

3) Don`t be lazy...find some stuff and replace what you borrowed from the food storage

Corn- 0
Fish- 11
Banana- 0
Croc- 135

Saturday 15 August 2015


06:58:09 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) screams hysterically seeing the Wari Chief is back.
[06:58:57 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs hearing El screaming, "are you alright, or something bites you?"
[06:59:05 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): is this a dream?
[06:59:12 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Wari Chief is back!
[06:59:21 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): I need to bang my pots
[06:59:54 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Ilhan..this is Brett..he is our Chief
[06:59:57 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): you want me to use my hammer to smash you few times to realize i am real?
[07:00:21 AM]  Ƈﻪ刀 (ilhan001): merhaba
[07:00:22 AM]  ilhan001 Resident: Hello there
[07:00:38 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) pats her head and then sobs" You want to hammer me after a long period of not seeing my face.."puppy eyes and hiccups "how coud you.."

The interview

7:16:17 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) sharpens her pencil as she ask " Where have the Chief been missing? Some predicted you have been eaten by the crock..some says you were abducted by alient with the allien ship nearby..but where have you been exactly?"

[07:18:30 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): shake his head "well i travel along Amazon river and i discover a place where was a big place with endless water, i adventure to find the edge but a storm has come and i fell unconscious on my ship, when i wake up i was in another land called Kingdom of Sand"

07:20:02 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) amazed by his story that her mouth drops open but she manage to close it before any bug flies in " I`m glad you are safe Chief. So will you stay long enough before you had another adventure?"

[07:21:44 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): you see, there i was found by Pirates and i been helped by them to find my way back to Amazon, of course they gave me a ship to navigate here back, but to get this help i must pay them back

[07:22:43 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods "You owe them life..."

[07:24:16 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): shakes his head"somehow yes, i proof myself to them with my fighting skills, and as i am fearless i help them in several battles against Magi and other races what was living at that town called Ireem"

[07:25:42 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods again trying to understand ..Ireem..Magi..." While you are staying here Chief, what is your hope for Wari?"

7:25:50 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): i meet mermaids, i meet supernatural people called Djinns , Undeads, as well i meet Royals what were living in a Palace, they seem to have a complicated life style"

07:28:49 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): smiles "my hope for Wari? " he paused and then added "i saw so far Wari survive without me and i am glad to see this, about my hope is, i want them to be fearless, to hold their land , to don`t ally to anyone and to win their respect in Amazon, as well to fight against invaders"

[07:30:32 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) eagerly sketching the notes by drawing swords, skull and anything that look scary on her writting pad " Chief..then what is your plan for Wari in war matter"

[07:32:25 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): smiles at El "Wari are not warriors, i mean they must not use their skill to expand , they must use the fight skills to defend the home place and yes if anyone dare to claim our home they must die"

[07:33:48 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) beams excitement grins " I have not heard someone says die to anyone who encroaches our land for a loooooong time..!" slaps her thighs "This is good"

07:34:25 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Chief...people are wondering if Wari will be able to go to war again? Many have asked me.

[07:35:14 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs "well that is maybe because i was`nt here, but we should be careful with any outsider what step on our home place"

[07:36:06 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): shakes his head "yes Wari should be able to go to war at any time, perhaps we must make some training sessions to upgrate our fighting skills"

[07:36:54 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): raises a finger "Wari should defend any other native tribe what belongs to Amazon, if they need our help to go and crush the invaders"

[07:38:44 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs "we are friendly with limits El"

[07:38:54 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We have few warriors at the moment. If Wari are inspired to be a warrior.....what is your advice Chief?

07:39:20 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): it is in our blood or at least should be in our blood to crush enemy

[07:40:30 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): well i should meet those warriors and maybe to have a meeting with them talking about some policies of what a warrior should do

07:41:45 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs "i am not ready to kill, i should rebuild my armory first, then i will take the warriors to hunt together"

Friday 14 August 2015


You might not know what will happened to you

We refuse to be responsible of what happened to you....


I had the opportunity to interview our trader, what she got to say.

[2015/08/12 17:28:54]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) grabs Wei by the hand and sits her down " I have to catch you to get you for an tirbal interview. You are so busy Wei"
[2015/08/12 17:29:33]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ok ok
[2015/08/12 17:29:35]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): sits down on the log
[2015/08/12 17:29:36]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ;)
[2015/08/12 17:31:05]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) opens her notebok.." Now a trader, what is role actually?"
[2015/08/12 17:31:40]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) sips from a coconut
[2015/08/12 17:31:49]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): eh...
[2015/08/12 17:32:11]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): as a trader, i am responsible for all the trades between wari and other tribes
[2015/08/12 17:32:22]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) smiles
[2015/08/12 17:33:18]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " What do you expect from the trading?"
[2015/08/12 17:34:01]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): hmm, well doing good business, make trading allies, selling arrows
[2015/08/12 17:34:08]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): I am mainly specialized in selling armor
[2015/08/12 17:35:21]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods and do some sketch of Wei " So what goods that you really keen to trade?"
[2015/08/12 17:36:48]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): tucans, spades, gold, bananas
[2015/08/12 17:37:08]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): nds
[2015/08/12 17:37:10]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): nods
[2015/08/12 17:37:28]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Crocs and fish are not good for trading?
[2015/08/12 17:39:13]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): yes they do, but they are not my favorites
[2015/08/12 17:39:31]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): trading has a special tactic to get the most advantage of
[2015/08/12 17:40:17]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) rubs her chin " Good marketing strategy. No wonder you are a Wari trader"
[2015/08/12 17:40:34]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): I also know that you are a tester by the gods
[2015/08/12 17:41:19]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) giggles a little bit
[2015/08/12 17:41:53]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): What is the function of that role
[2015/08/12 17:43:02]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ah you wanna know right?
[2015/08/12 17:43:20]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): well, i am testing the stamina of male future wari
[2015/08/12 17:43:51]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) gasps "The stamina....that is very important Wei"
[2015/08/12 17:44:47]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): yes it is
[2015/08/12 17:44:58]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): it's very very important skill for an warrior or hunter
[2015/08/12 17:45:02]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): that they have stamina
[2015/08/12 17:45:15]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): beside that, i am testing also their pleasing skills
[2015/08/12 17:45:53]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) blushes red and giggles alone. " Oh naughty"
[2015/08/12 17:47:54]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ah yes yes
[2015/08/12 17:48:00]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) sips another part of her coconut
[2015/08/12 17:48:24]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): the gods need to get sacrificed with the milk of love
[2015/08/12 17:48:36]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): and i am intermediate between the male and the gods
[2015/08/12 17:51:02]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) fans herself "Whew...sounds like the best role ever"
[2015/08/12 17:51:31]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): yes yes it's
[2015/08/12 17:51:39]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): i see different people
[2015/08/12 17:51:59]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): What is your advice for male that will come for your test?
[2015/08/12 17:53:27]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): Sleep enough, eat enough ostrich egg before you go to join the contest, and get good stamina, since you have to pass the 5 offers
[2015/08/12 17:54:10]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): (omg that made me laugh in real)
[2015/08/12 17:56:08]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Wei, thank you so much for this Tribal Interview. What is your last words of advice to all Wari members?
[2015/08/12 17:56:22]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): Make war, no peace
[2015/08/12 17:56:37]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): or else i am no have business
[2015/08/12 17:58:29]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) jotting down " Thats how bussinesswoman talks Wei. Thanks again Wei"
[2015/08/12 17:59:03]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): thanks

Wednesday 12 August 2015


Altus lives almost near to Amazon in real. So he is quite familiar with who are the natives of amazon. He had joined us as he feel this is his home.
Welcome to Wari` brother Altus!


We would like to give warm welcome to our new brother Simon Sand to the family.
He wishes to be a hunter or a warrior. He will undergone the test soon. Wish him all the luck when you see him!
And we have a sister named Sky in the tribe. She is also known as Sky The Silent Ones. Great hunter and she will surprised you with her catch.