Wednesday 26 April 2017

Wari` Amazon Secondlife is back

After almost a year break, Wari` tribe is back in Amazon River Secondlife. We are small but hey number is just a number if you want to have fun.

There have been few attacks , war and fights. It was all for fun purposes.

A journal from the Wari` Ketua , Henry about the recen attack:

"Today Wari fought the evil Mercs bravely but sadly not very successfully . Rumors say Ketua Henry did fall together with Merc Katie into a magic hole and so Widow was saved while Chief was shot down  by the waiting Merc when he passed the magic passage.
Aiko , Jai and Rorik defend meanwhile the camp, but were finally overpowered. All went to the cells and had to face torture and even death.  Aiko bravely took horrible torture , Jai and Rorik being molested and Henry  will never learn how to pay ransom and refused to give away 5 soups to Kylie as repayment for lost soup because Rorik attacked.

So in the end Aiko was tortured again, Rorik and Jai molested and Henry , to stubborn to pay , got drowned, crushed, castrated by piranhas not having the slightest clue how to give a pleasant blow job and then eaten by crocs.  But because he is loaded with voodo could somehow still get out of the water alive ( What did we learn? crocs are too stupid to dive actually)  , so all came home and will need to heal all the outer and inner bruises.

We did lose , but we fought bravely, we did not whine like others and all had fun. We also learned, that Kylie is a female version of Frank ´n  Furter, Katie a Schwarzenegger light and Wari train Powerlifting with fake Merc female tits . ( thats why we ar so strong )  and that the only reason we can tell who are the Merc males are is.: .they wear hats... "

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