Wednesday 19 August 2015


Dear Wari,

This is the most simplest and briefest manual on how to use the barrel. If you still don`t know how to fill in the barrel..please feel free to ask the elders.


A- To store trade item

1) Wear your Wari Amazon Tribe Tag

2) Right click the barrel (both are link together- small barrel and big barrel)

3) When you right click- a pie menu will comes up

4) Click Edit

5) In Edit menu you will see edit building options

6) Click "edit linked parts. (note: firestorm users if this doesn't work check:  top tool bar - build- options -
select only me objects - off)

7) Click the bigger barrel while you are still in edit linked part mode. You can see only the bigger barrel is highlighted which means you are now only editing the bigger barrel.

8) With your edit building still opens for you - drag your trade item to the content tab of the bigger barrel.

9) Sometimes when there are too many things in the barrel- it takes times to load. So just wait.

10) Close the edit menu

You are done.

B- To get the items from the storage

1) Wear Wari Tag

2) Touch the storage

3) Don`t be lazy...find some stuff and replace what you borrowed from the food storage

Corn- 0
Fish- 11
Banana- 0
Croc- 135

Saturday 15 August 2015


06:58:09 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) screams hysterically seeing the Wari Chief is back.
[06:58:57 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs hearing El screaming, "are you alright, or something bites you?"
[06:59:05 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): is this a dream?
[06:59:12 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Wari Chief is back!
[06:59:21 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): I need to bang my pots
[06:59:54 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Ilhan..this is Brett..he is our Chief
[06:59:57 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): you want me to use my hammer to smash you few times to realize i am real?
[07:00:21 AM]  Ƈﻪ刀 (ilhan001): merhaba
[07:00:22 AM]  ilhan001 Resident: Hello there
[07:00:38 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) pats her head and then sobs" You want to hammer me after a long period of not seeing my face.."puppy eyes and hiccups "how coud you.."

The interview

7:16:17 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) sharpens her pencil as she ask " Where have the Chief been missing? Some predicted you have been eaten by the crock..some says you were abducted by alient with the allien ship nearby..but where have you been exactly?"

[07:18:30 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): shake his head "well i travel along Amazon river and i discover a place where was a big place with endless water, i adventure to find the edge but a storm has come and i fell unconscious on my ship, when i wake up i was in another land called Kingdom of Sand"

07:20:02 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) amazed by his story that her mouth drops open but she manage to close it before any bug flies in " I`m glad you are safe Chief. So will you stay long enough before you had another adventure?"

[07:21:44 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): you see, there i was found by Pirates and i been helped by them to find my way back to Amazon, of course they gave me a ship to navigate here back, but to get this help i must pay them back

[07:22:43 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods "You owe them life..."

[07:24:16 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): shakes his head"somehow yes, i proof myself to them with my fighting skills, and as i am fearless i help them in several battles against Magi and other races what was living at that town called Ireem"

[07:25:42 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods again trying to understand ..Ireem..Magi..." While you are staying here Chief, what is your hope for Wari?"

7:25:50 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): i meet mermaids, i meet supernatural people called Djinns , Undeads, as well i meet Royals what were living in a Palace, they seem to have a complicated life style"

07:28:49 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): smiles "my hope for Wari? " he paused and then added "i saw so far Wari survive without me and i am glad to see this, about my hope is, i want them to be fearless, to hold their land , to don`t ally to anyone and to win their respect in Amazon, as well to fight against invaders"

[07:30:32 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) eagerly sketching the notes by drawing swords, skull and anything that look scary on her writting pad " Chief..then what is your plan for Wari in war matter"

[07:32:25 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): smiles at El "Wari are not warriors, i mean they must not use their skill to expand , they must use the fight skills to defend the home place and yes if anyone dare to claim our home they must die"

[07:33:48 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) beams excitement grins " I have not heard someone says die to anyone who encroaches our land for a loooooong time..!" slaps her thighs "This is good"

07:34:25 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Chief...people are wondering if Wari will be able to go to war again? Many have asked me.

[07:35:14 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs "well that is maybe because i was`nt here, but we should be careful with any outsider what step on our home place"

[07:36:06 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): shakes his head "yes Wari should be able to go to war at any time, perhaps we must make some training sessions to upgrate our fighting skills"

[07:36:54 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): raises a finger "Wari should defend any other native tribe what belongs to Amazon, if they need our help to go and crush the invaders"

[07:38:44 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs "we are friendly with limits El"

[07:38:54 AM]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We have few warriors at the moment. If Wari are inspired to be a warrior.....what is your advice Chief?

07:39:20 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): it is in our blood or at least should be in our blood to crush enemy

[07:40:30 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): well i should meet those warriors and maybe to have a meeting with them talking about some policies of what a warrior should do

07:41:45 AM]  Brett Bloodbath (seduction.calamity): laughs "i am not ready to kill, i should rebuild my armory first, then i will take the warriors to hunt together"

Friday 14 August 2015


You might not know what will happened to you

We refuse to be responsible of what happened to you....


I had the opportunity to interview our trader, what she got to say.

[2015/08/12 17:28:54]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) grabs Wei by the hand and sits her down " I have to catch you to get you for an tirbal interview. You are so busy Wei"
[2015/08/12 17:29:33]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ok ok
[2015/08/12 17:29:35]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): sits down on the log
[2015/08/12 17:29:36]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ;)
[2015/08/12 17:31:05]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) opens her notebok.." Now a trader, what is role actually?"
[2015/08/12 17:31:40]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) sips from a coconut
[2015/08/12 17:31:49]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): eh...
[2015/08/12 17:32:11]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): as a trader, i am responsible for all the trades between wari and other tribes
[2015/08/12 17:32:22]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) smiles
[2015/08/12 17:33:18]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " What do you expect from the trading?"
[2015/08/12 17:34:01]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): hmm, well doing good business, make trading allies, selling arrows
[2015/08/12 17:34:08]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): I am mainly specialized in selling armor
[2015/08/12 17:35:21]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods and do some sketch of Wei " So what goods that you really keen to trade?"
[2015/08/12 17:36:48]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): tucans, spades, gold, bananas
[2015/08/12 17:37:08]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): nds
[2015/08/12 17:37:10]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): nods
[2015/08/12 17:37:28]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Crocs and fish are not good for trading?
[2015/08/12 17:39:13]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): yes they do, but they are not my favorites
[2015/08/12 17:39:31]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): trading has a special tactic to get the most advantage of
[2015/08/12 17:40:17]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) rubs her chin " Good marketing strategy. No wonder you are a Wari trader"
[2015/08/12 17:40:34]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): I also know that you are a tester by the gods
[2015/08/12 17:41:19]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) giggles a little bit
[2015/08/12 17:41:53]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): What is the function of that role
[2015/08/12 17:43:02]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ah you wanna know right?
[2015/08/12 17:43:20]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): well, i am testing the stamina of male future wari
[2015/08/12 17:43:51]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) gasps "The stamina....that is very important Wei"
[2015/08/12 17:44:47]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): yes it is
[2015/08/12 17:44:58]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): it's very very important skill for an warrior or hunter
[2015/08/12 17:45:02]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): that they have stamina
[2015/08/12 17:45:15]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): beside that, i am testing also their pleasing skills
[2015/08/12 17:45:53]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) blushes red and giggles alone. " Oh naughty"
[2015/08/12 17:47:54]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): ah yes yes
[2015/08/12 17:48:00]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi) sips another part of her coconut
[2015/08/12 17:48:24]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): the gods need to get sacrificed with the milk of love
[2015/08/12 17:48:36]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): and i am intermediate between the male and the gods
[2015/08/12 17:51:02]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) fans herself "Whew...sounds like the best role ever"
[2015/08/12 17:51:31]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): yes yes it's
[2015/08/12 17:51:39]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): i see different people
[2015/08/12 17:51:59]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): What is your advice for male that will come for your test?
[2015/08/12 17:53:27]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): Sleep enough, eat enough ostrich egg before you go to join the contest, and get good stamina, since you have to pass the 5 offers
[2015/08/12 17:54:10]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): (omg that made me laugh in real)
[2015/08/12 17:56:08]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Wei, thank you so much for this Tribal Interview. What is your last words of advice to all Wari members?
[2015/08/12 17:56:22]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): Make war, no peace
[2015/08/12 17:56:37]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): or else i am no have business
[2015/08/12 17:58:29]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) jotting down " Thats how bussinesswoman talks Wei. Thanks again Wei"
[2015/08/12 17:59:03]  Wéi Wéi Runt (sammychungzi): thanks

Wednesday 12 August 2015


Altus lives almost near to Amazon in real. So he is quite familiar with who are the natives of amazon. He had joined us as he feel this is his home.
Welcome to Wari` brother Altus!


We would like to give warm welcome to our new brother Simon Sand to the family.
He wishes to be a hunter or a warrior. He will undergone the test soon. Wish him all the luck when you see him!
And we have a sister named Sky in the tribe. She is also known as Sky The Silent Ones. Great hunter and she will surprised you with her catch.

The Moulder Theory on Abduction Is True

Our hunter , Tim Cruddas had made a report of his recent finding in Amazon- you won`t believe it but the theory is true. The alien has landed.It has explained the current missing cases of people in Amazon. We do believe our Chief has been also abducted by these aliens.
Here is his report:
"Located In Lago Marimba at the Norse camp inside a cave lies an alien spaceship. On entering you soon encounter an anti gravity field which makes maneuvering difficult but going left it is possible to descend to the lower floor and access the engine room where there are some interesting things to discover including the entrance to hanger 1 a labyrinth of corridors and rooms where you discover the computer room and by solving the puzzle you are rewarded with an anti gravity bomb. Check it out it's fun ."
Tim Cruddas reporting live from Lago Mamba

Tuesday 11 August 2015


[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) opens her note book and pencil that she stole from Corsairs during her captive and starts the interview in their tribal language
[18:32] Michi (stl.michigan): smiles looking at her old friend
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): So Michi, you are back here at the camp, how do you feel?
[18:33] Michi (stl.michigan): i feel very nice,so happy to be back and breath amazon air
[18:34] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods and then her stare follows the flying bird.
[18:34] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Cute little bird you have there!
[18:35] Michi (stl.michigan): that's my messenger and scoot smiles
[18:37] Michi (stl.michigan): looking at my bird going back to my shoulder,giving him a sweet caress
[18:38] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) draws some symbols on her note book...a bird on a skeleton person.
[18:38] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): What is your hope for Wari, Michi?
[18:40] Michi (stl.michigan): my hope is to see all Waris happy and respected
[18:40] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods
[18:40] Michi (stl.michigan): like always winks
[18:41] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) grins and tilts her head up thinking of another brilliant question to ask
[18:41] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): emm okay, as an elder to Wari, what is your advice to new members?
[18:42] Michi (stl.michigan): humm scratch her head to found the good words
[18:44] Michi (stl.michigan): be proud to be Wari, don't be a chicken...
[18:44] Michi (stl.michigan): be fierce with our ennemies
[18:44] Michi (stl.michigan): and king with our sis and bro
[18:44] Michi (stl.michigan): kind*
[18:45] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) taps her chin with her index finger
[18:46] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Good words ,Michi. Finally , what do you think of the new look of our camp?
[18:46] Michi (stl.michigan): it looks nice, i like it !
[18:47] Michi (stl.michigan): you did good work
[18:47] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) slaps her thighs happily and proud, feeling her nostrils widen a bit by Michi`s praise.
[18:47] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Ha thank you!
[18:48] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Thank you for the tribal interview michi
[18:48] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): we hope having you back again will be a blast!
[18:48] Michi (stl.michigan): nods
[18:49] Michi (stl.michigan): yeees ! i hope too
[18:49] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): emmm we got visitor

Monday 10 August 2015


2015/08/08 04:10]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225): Jon take El
[2015/08/08 04:11]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225) hands him the leash
[2015/08/08 04:11]  Jata Wrigglesworth is Online
[2015/08/08 04:11]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson) pulls the lady onto the bird and secures her
[2015/08/08 04:11]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): "Oh boy..this gonna be some ride"
[2015/08/08 04:11]  Isabelle Euromat: hurry
[2015/08/08 04:11]  EXP leasher: JonWilson Resident grabs your leash
[2015/08/08 04:11]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): You know...I `m afraid of flight
[2015/08/08 04:12]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225): gogogo
[2015/08/08 04:12]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson) checks the restraints are seure and flies off
[2015/08/08 04:12]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225): i'll come with Isa
[2015/08/08 04:12]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) screams from the top of her throat "Helppppp..."
2015/08/08 04:14]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson) sets down and undoes the restraints to the seat, and lets the lady up
[2015/08/08 04:14]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson): Now if you will follow me...

[2015/08/08 04:15]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) raises her hands" I do not have any I?"
[2015/08/08 04:15]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson): well not like you have a choice but Id prefer to get you to the brig without hurting you, as am sure would you
2015/08/08 04:16]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson) checks the restraints are secure but not too tight and padlocks the chaint o one of the ceiling rings
[2015/08/08 04:16]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) looks at him " Why I am being caught ?" tilts her head.
[2015/08/08 04:17]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson): Was the Lieutenants orders, and I know better than to question
[2015/08/08 04:19]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) purse her lips trying to follow his words "Lew-Teh-nan?...I do not understand. I` m only a jungle gold nugget for you to have..." looks at him straight in the eyes.
[2015/08/08 04:20]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson) inspects the womans injuries from her capture and pulls out a small medical pack from his pouch and disinfects and puts a gl plaster on them while he waits
[2015/08/08 04:20]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson): hmm Lieutenant, guess like an under-chief
[2015/08/08 04:22]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) stands still in silent as he attended to her wounds" Your under chief wants you to cap me?"winches a little as the medicine left a little sting to her skin" I do not understand"
2015/08/08 04:23]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225) looks around. "Isa didn't reach till now?"
[2015/08/08 04:23]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson) puts the medical kit back "There she is all yours, the restraints are secure and her wounds are teended so she shouldnt pass out on you or anything
[2015/08/08 04:24]  Jon Wilson (jonwilson): nope she hasnt come back yet
[2015/08/08 04:24]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) widen her eyes as she noticed the familiar face " You!"
[2015/08/08 04:24]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225) nods at him. "thanks jon" He said
2015/08/08 04:26]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225) looks at El and says "Well well who do we have here today?" He grins
2015/08/08 04:28]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) pulls her leash " So you caught me Dean. Takes three people to cap me. Whats with the capping I wonder?"
2015/08/08 04:29]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225) chuckles and says "Well they just happened to be there with me. I shot all the arrows at you EL. And you are here finally. I wonder if your warriors will come for your rescue."
[2015/08/08 04:30]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) shakes her head " Didnt you heard the news ? Wari is a trader tribe now ,Dean. And if we have warriors...they are just to protect the children and women. And most of them right now...are away for hunting. I doubt they even notice I`m here"
[2015/08/08 04:32]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225): "Oh thats sad. So you gave up eating human flesh?" He asked. He puts his hand inside his pocket and draws a smoke, puts it in his mouth and lights it up. "Your warriors treated me in a good way last time." Laughs sarcastically.
2015/08/08 04:34]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) frowns her eyebrows " Eating human flash? That was ancient time ago...our ancestor do." Looks at him " The two warrior that caught you before? Emm..unfortunately they have left the tribe. I thought the white skin guy has joined you"
2015/08/08 04:38]  Dean Decencydefied (dean4225) walks up to her and releases the smoke. "The white skin guy?Who would that be? At this point of time you are not making sense to me El." He said drawing his from his back.
[2015/08/08 04:40]  Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) keeps her calm and nods " Then if I do not make any sense..I will be in silence"


Friday 7 August 2015


Members always asked how they can contribute to Wari. So I have prepared a storage crate for anyone who wants to contribute. However , here is the manual guide on how to place your item in the crate. If you want to contribute your hunting meats to members- please read.

It's mandatory to every Wari Hunters to at least contribute 2 items per week for the use of the new members.


A- To store trade item

1) Wear your Wari Amazon Tribe Tag

2) Right click the crate (both are link together- small crate and big crate)

3) When you right click- a pie menu will comes up

4) Click Edit

5) In Edit menu you will see edit building options

6) Click "edit linked parts.

7) Click the bigger crate

8) With your edit building still opens for you - drag your trade item to the content tab of the bigger crate.

9) Close the edit menu

You are done.

B- To get the items from the storage

1) Wear Wari Tag

2) Touch the storage

3) Don`t be lazy...find some stuff and replace what you borrowed from the food storage


Wari` hunters is growing big! So there will be no issues of food supply cause those hunters gonna bring us home the bacons!

Welcome to the family, Mike..Ilhan, Pii and Aylin!

What does Wari` hunters do..Simple- they will collect trade items from the jungle including hunting the crocodilles and tigers for the meat . They will store some of their collection for the group as well. So Wari wont have limited source of food.

And of course...they will hunt enemies in our hunt list if they want ...cause they are hunters!

Wari` members comes from different type of background and countries. There is no other way to communicate well between members without having too much cultural shock except by respecting each others.

Sunday 2 August 2015


Our "sweet-heart" Dean is back for some action. He said he was bored and need some quality rp. Well I think he finds Wari is amsuing . This is why keeping rp is important . Even it is a short one. You`ll create good story with it! We made a deal that both parties in a combat will never use cheating method if we want to keep the rp. He asked for one to one combat and no-group combating cause he is alone. So its a deal. If you ever found out that the combating still have some cheating element in it- snapshot and send to the elders or me. We will call the rp deal off. And we honored the deal by only one to one combat with Dean.


Issues: Wari are concerned about the presence of outsiders namely Cartel at the camp. In fact Wari was getting defensive seeing Cartel around the camp.For this matter , the leader of Cartel has come to see Mwana of Wari to discuss the matter and to reach an agreement point .
18:07] LINK (robstyles): hello
[18:07] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): Elaine we here in peace
[18:07] LINK (robstyles): yes we are
[18:08] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods to the familiar face "Yes, lady. We`ve met before .Do come in "
[18:08] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): ty
[18:08] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): our leader link
[18:08] LINK (robstyles): ok I'm here to discuss some problems you having with the Crtel ?
[18:08] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): not sure if you have met
[18:09] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) looks at the man "I`m El of the Wari. Mother of the tribe. I think its better if we speak in the leader tent to apprieciate you being a leader as well"
18:13] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): This way please
[18:14] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Please have a sit leader of cartel
[18:14] LINK (robstyles): thank you
[18:15] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): About the problem , I will explain to you who is Wari in a brief
[18:15] White Fang (rakein) is Online
[18:16] Lexia Moonstone is Offline
[18:16] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We used to be a tribe that despised the outsiders. However now seeing that Amazon has opened a very wide door to outsiders that tribes are getting extinct...Wari have to accept and survive the current situation
[18:17] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Having say so ,leader of Cartel...We are open for outsiders who do not have any ill intention towards us the natives"nods to him.
[18:17] LINK (robstyles): ok
[18:18] Raine Shinn is Online
[18:18] LINK (robstyles): well we don't bother the Natives
[18:18] Conte Alchemi is Offline
[18:19] LINK (robstyles): We understand that we have to Co Exist with the natives
[18:20] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " to share and use what the mother land gives us with most rightful manner, yes."
[18:20] LINK (robstyles): and if there is any problems with Wari and Cartel its my job to settle things the correct way
[18:21] LINK (robstyles): all we come to do at the luve temple is to hunt and fish
[18:21] LINK (robstyles): We would love for this area to be a safe zone for us and i will do my best to see that the Wari tribe is respected
18:23] LINK (robstyles): yes we do come here a lot but just to hunt and fish
18:23] LINK (robstyles): sometimes the crocs knock us here btu we lease and apologize to Wari always
[18:23] JohnnGalt is Offline
[18:24] LINK (robstyles): leave and zpologize*
[18:24] LINK (robstyles): but we never have a problem with Wari that i canthink of
[18:24] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) smiles " My people have told me that they have been shot by your people before , even one of your girl shot me while I was sleeping. However , you have apologize to us leader of cartel and that is a very respectful thing so far ..and Wari respect that"
18:25] LINK (robstyles): i will do my best to keep the calm between us and Wari
[18:25] LINK (robstyles): those that knows me know i will
[18:25] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " And the gifts that your present to us here is accepted as a token of being respectful to each other" takes the gift from him.
[18:26] LINK (robstyles): accept this gift as a apology to Wari tribe
[18:26] кђαℓเ (khaliesi) is Online
[18:26] TYPO (mrtypo.cobalt) is Offline
[18:26] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods "We accept it,Leader of Cartel"
[18:27] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): However We do have to make it clear to you that we do not ally with any outsider.
[18:27] LINK (robstyles): and that i have notice
[18:27] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We accept you as people who come to trade with us...
[18:27] LINK (robstyles): yes
[18:27] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We are traders you see...
[18:27] LINK (robstyles): ok
[18:28] LINK (robstyles): we are friends with all natives tribes and thats the only way the Cartel can Exist in the jungle
[18:28] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): So we accept and regards you as people who trade fish and crocs meat with us. For that matter our camp is open for you. But in any case of attack by your enemy- We do not gives orders to our people to help you.
[18:28] Lady Alissa (nastymomma) is Offline
[18:28] LINK (robstyles): so much respect to your tribe
[18:29] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " We give the respect to you as well ,leader of cartel. I will inform this matter to our head of warrior."
[18:29] LINK (robstyles): understand
[18:30] LINK (robstyles): ok and thank you for the invite
[18:30] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) stands up and draws the curtain" You are much welcome"
[18:30] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): so nice to see you again
[18:30] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): For you Sensual
[18:30] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): I have a gift..
[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): this is an amulet of singing
[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) takes out her amulet
[18:31] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): wow i am much grateful
[18:31] Sensual Serenity received your inventory offer.
[18:31] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): ty
[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) smiles "It has singing spells in it for you to enjoy.Take it as a token of friendship from our side"
[18:31] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): if there is anything i can help with plz let me know
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods" I will"
[18:32] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): ty
[18:32] LINK (robstyles): ok tc Elaine good meeting you
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Like wise
[18:32] кђαℓเ (khaliesi) is Offline
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Have a safe walk down there
Conclusion of the meeting:
1) Cartel had asked for permission to use our area to trade and to hunt fish. Wari agree as long as Cartel do not show any threat to Wari. So Cartel may use Wari area to hunt fish,shoot crocs and trade at Wari stall.
2) Cartel has apologized for the incident of shooting towards Wari. Cartel will ensure that there is no more shooting involves.
3) Wari tribe is a trader tribe as well. So Cartel is one of Wari`s client. Wari only concern is only to trade with Cartel.
4) Wari do not ally with Cartel at all.
5) Wari do not interfere with Cartel combating issues with others. Wari shall not assits and shall not give protection to Cartel.


Cautions: Contained adult and explicit text.
[01:05] Ðäxiã (ellesi) smirks a bit and her eyes flash up at him.. "Well then are you ready?"
[01:05] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) smiles, and nods, "Yes, of course. Lead the way, Dax, and lets start.. the test.", he says with another wink, smiling devilishly.
[01:06] Ðäxiã (ellesi) turns and waves him to follow.. leading him to the nearby alter ...
[01:07] Ðäxiã (ellesi) tones are low and smooth as she sprinkesl a fine red powder over the alters flat plane "We call on the Gods to bear witness.. to pass judgment on this man... Nalex.. please lie down on the alter"
[01:09] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) nods, lying down on the alter, and lays still, as he waits for Dax to continue, smiling.
[01:13] Ðäxiã (ellesi) drips oil from a small vial alogn the edge of the table .. the strong exotic herbal scent fillign the air as she reaches forward and removes his loin cloth and undoes th e straps on his chest ... "Na na che waana eeno... n na che waana eeno" she chants softly .. sliding her hands through the oile and slowly runnign them from his chest down his rigid abs.. along his thighs then upward... teasingly.. lightly grazign them over his manhood.
[01:15] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): come over liquid..lets whisper so we wont disturb the ritual.
[01:17] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) watches as she continues, looking along as she removes his cloth and chest strap, and chuckles, smiling, watching as she continues to proceed with the ritual, the scent of the oil hitting his nose, and makes him inhale, as he feels her slide her hands along his body, don't to his manhood, and feels it start to stiffen immediately, making him smirk.
[01:22] Ðäxiã (ellesi) slowly runs her hand up his torso .. then steps back ... lighting the candles by his feet... llifing a small bowl of a crushed green powder and tossing it at the flames... there is a plume of smoke and they brun brighter ... She remvoes her garments and drops them to the ground by her feet.... again sliding her hands though the oil and slowly running them down her smooth flesh, making it glisten invitingly .. "We call the Gods to witness... God of Earth, God of the River .. God of the Sun ... the Sky and and the Moon.. Grace us with your blessing today and smile upon us with your judgment ... Show us that he worthy of the Wari!" she calls out ... again reaching over to run her hands down his body as she begins to chant
[01:23] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) listens and gives a silent chant as well hoping the spirits and the God will accept the rituals test.
[01:26] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) watches and listens intently at her actions and words, following her movements and actions, precise and ordered, watching her toss the powder into the flames, and then to her, watching her remove her garments, and admire her frame and figure, feeling himself stiffen further, with a smirk, watching her slide the oil along her skin, and nods, and feels his body tingle as he touches it and continues to chant.
[01:30] Ðäxiã (ellesi) continues to stroke his now heated flesh .. her vibrant gaze rising as she meets his .. "Nalex .. you come form afar and have met,.. taking food... defended the Wari".. her tones low but clear.. as she climbs slowly onto the alter and straddles him.. sleek frame perched above his hard, now rigid shaft .. "It is your wish .. you are willing to be judged by the Gods .. to be one with the Wari.. in spirit.. in blood and body?" she questions.. the heat of her frame teasing his as slick oiled flesh slides against one another
[01:34] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) watches as he follows her gaze feeling her stroke at him, heated, watching as she climbed slowly onto the alter with him, straddling him, watching her sleek figure perch above him, as he nodded, smiling, "Aye, I will be judge by the Gods to become a Wari, in spirit, blood, and body...", he said, with a clear voice, as he felt their bodies slide along one another, letting out a breathe, as he looked up at her, smiling.
[01:39] Ðäxiã (ellesi) reached down and produced a small sharp blade ... cutting a slice into her own palm.. then sleekly her body teased along his as she arched down to make a similar slice in his own paln... "Let there be joining in blood" she called out as she pressed her seeping palm to his .... "Let ther be joining in body" her back arching as she leaned up and slowly lowered her slick heated sex down his shaft to take his entire lenght deep into the tight recess of her body with a heated gasp "You are strong Nalex.. let our joining please the gods and may they find you worthy"
[01:44] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) winces slightly as she cut into her palm, then smiled, as he felt her palm touch his, and watched as there blood mix as one, and seep from their palms, and felt her lower herself, as she came down on him, and made him gasp in turn, feeling his length sink deep into her heat, her sex, sinking all the way to her heated core, looking up and listening to her words, and smiled, nodding, "Indeed... let it please them, and I shall I be worthy."
[01:48] Ðäxiã (ellesi) arched and writhed.. slowly, sensually she moved as she began to ride him.. tossing back her had and letting the power of his thick pulsing shaft pour though her as her hips rotated and undulated down on him ... Her small hands gripipng his chest as she arched and moaned "Show me Nales .. with our joining .. that you wish to please the Gods" she gasped out in low sultlry tones .. her gaze meeting his and holding
[01:52] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) smiled, watching her arch and writhe slowly on top on him, sensual and sleek, riding him, watching her toss back her hair, and feeling her bring herself down on his shaft, rotating and coming down again and again, feeling her hands on his chest. Hearing her words, he made a low growl, and slide his hands up to her hips, grabbing them firmly, as he brought her down harder, again and again, her small body starting to slam hard against his with each time he did, his shaft hitting deep inside her with each thrust, as he started to thrust upward, harder, faster, deeper into her heated sex, as he looked up into her gaze, and locked into hers, a smile forming as he let out a heated breath.
[01:57] Ðäxiã (ellesi) cried out as she felt his hands grip her hips and his own thrust meet hers.. there bodies melding in a fury of heated passion... The wind suddenly whipping around them as the trees moved .. the river nearby seeming to roar as the waters chunted... the flames of the candles rising, far higher than normal and burning brightly as heat poured form them. "Yessss.. The Gods smile on you Nalex!" she cried out as her slender frame arched deeper, slick molten depths clamping around his length with each impalign thrust and gripping him like fiery silk .. entire body beginning to quake and twitch as she lost herself to the pleasure tearing along her senses.
[02:02] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) growled even louder, moved by her words, as he gripped her hips tighter, letting out a sigh of pleasure, as he continued to thrust up into her again and again, moving faster, harder, gliding his hands along her hips, as the moved along them, to her rear, gripping her cheeks firmly in his hands, as he started to squeeze hard, fingers digging into her flesh as he gripped them, pulling her down to each of his quickening thrust, as he let out another sigh, thrusting his hips up even higher, harder, his body slamming hard into hers with each.
[02:08] Ðäxiã (ellesi)'s body was sheathed with a heated sheen .. glistening as she writhed and was consumed in the heat of his body joining hers .. every thrust driving her higher .. harder to the brink of mindless oblivioun ... Placing his cut palm to her chest and her on on his to smear them both withth eir combined blood as she threw herhead back and screamed her release as intense tides of pleasre ripped though her. Sick hot depths of her flesh clamping... gripping him as it quivered and milked his shaft and felt bliss wash over her entire being.. All the while the wild winds, roar of the river .. heat of the flames enveloping them in an almost magical haze of the jungle.
[02:15] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) growled once more, and felt the combination of their heat, soaring and melding between them, as he felt his hand slided, along her chest, as he felt hers slide along his, making him sigh, as he slowly slide it further along her chest, as if marking each other to one, and let out another moan, as he felt his pleasure rise with hers, as he started to hear her scream, feeling her shatter on top of him, as he felt his own pleasure rise to it's peak, and began to release, feeling heat unleash into her blissed body again and again, feeling the winds and river roar around them, heat rising and bringing them together in a wild, unrestrained envelopment of bliss..
[02:18] Ðäxiã (ellesi) collapsed onto his chest with a final cry after feeling him grow, twitch.. pulse as he released inside her depths. She panted softly as his heart beat strong beneath her cheek. Her words breathy... soft.. but clear "The gods have been well pleased Nalex... you are fully one with the Wari .. Welcome home my brother."


Another great role play for today. It was an intense debate but everyone was playing their role nicely. Well done:
[20:35] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) looks at Nalex " You are very friendly Nalex. But please know we are Wari.
[20:35] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): greetin WARI & Toromona
[20:35] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) tilts his head, "At this point, does it matter? We have many types here already? Why not add some more?"
[20:36] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) chuckles, "After all, isn't that what it means to be peaceful, and understand each other?"
[20:36] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): its okk i will not intrude
[20:36] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) tightens the grip of her bow " It does matter when one of our people had been shot before by the Cartel. We can be friendly but do know as I said again...we are still Wari."
[20:38] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) frowns, "But has she done it? We're all people, in different groups, with different ideals, certainly, but if someone is trying to be friendly, do we really have the right to shun them, just because they come from said group?"
[20:38] Ðäxiã (ellesi) gives a tight nod at M'Wana's words "We welcome those to are friend and respect our peoples... we do not take lightly when it is abused or seen as weakness.. nor do we forget easily" tones low and back to her usual surly self
[20:39] Ðäxiã (ellesi)'s vivid gaze jerks to Nalex and and she sneers.. "From some groups.. YES" she answers emphatically
[20:39] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) sighs, and shrugs, "I don't know. I just think it's to narrow-minded a thought... looking at each person when possible, rather then focus them as a group, seems better to me... but that's me..."
[20:40] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) shrugs again, and eats more of his stew, noticing it is empty, and setting the bowl down next to him.
[20:40] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) smiles " You have to understand our firm stand. If those Cartel offering peace- do it by a meeting up between a leader and a leader. Not by shooting arrows. Narrow minded it seems I do have the responsible to protect my people. Unlike you have none"
[20:40] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): i have not heard of this a wari was shot at our leader have told us who is against us Wari was not one Link needs to be known of this .... and yes there are new recruits that needs to learn the rules here... i will go and again did not mean to intrude just fishin ... have a bless day
[20:41] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): (sensual this is IC okay)
[20:41] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): (wait for my rp..nothing emotional about it)
[20:41] geogetta: hi evie
[20:41] Evie (missevie23): may i sit?
[20:41] Khalisah (mahagony.qaven) is Online
[20:42] кђαℓเ (khaliesi) is Online
[20:42] Doc (drdoc) is Offline
[20:42] Campfire: Restricted to owner only!
[20:42] Doc (drdoc) is Online
[20:42] Evie (missevie23): i go trade
[20:43] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) eye twitches, and looks down for a moment, sighing, "Well, I suppose you're right. I belong no where, and show little to no alliance to anyone, even if I was part of a group. I just do not believe in such things, and prefer different routes... but see your point, I suppose."
[20:43] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) calls for the lady down there" As a mother of the tribe, being protective is my nature, lady fishing down there. However I`m inviting you to come up for the soup lady so that we can discuss this matter"
[20:44] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) shakes his head, "She has left already... the time to offer that had passed to long ago.", shakes his head again, and sighs, looking up at the sky.
[20:46] Mrs. Spirit Demure-Rust (spirit.eleonara) is Online
[20:46] Doc (drdoc) is Offline
[20:46] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) chuckles " And we are not in any loose term if it passed by,are we? " leans forward and looks at Nalex " Wari has survived not being an ally to any non natives group in this jungle and it will continue to do so"
[20:47] Mrs. Spirit Demure-Rust (spirit.eleonara) is Offline
[20:47] Ðäxiã (ellesi) huffs "It is good she go... let her people know such disrespect is not tolerated... a mutual respect is to be built .. even with those who are not allies"
[20:48] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods and loosen the grip of her bow " Exactly .."
[20:49] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) sighs, and simply shrugs, "I am just talking, and giving my opinion. It's fine if you don't have to ally with non-native tribes.", looks up, his face serious and none smiling for once, "But if a chance comes when you can settle things, I believe it should be taken. I'm not saying you have to be friends and hug, but neither do you have to have guns and bows at each others back.", shrugs again, "But, it is how it is."
[20:50] geogetta: well well on that note let me bid you all a good night, be safe
[20:50] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) goes back to smiling, nodding at Geo, "You have a nice night."
[20:50] Ðäxiã (ellesi) nods to Geogetta "i wish you safe and well"
[20:50] Eяєкαтт Ƈнαтнωℓαℓтн (erekatt) is Offline
[20:51] Eяєкαтт Ƈнαтнωℓαℓтн (erekatt) is Online
[20:51] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) shakes her head " I have no idea why you are so defensive over the Cartel but you had missed out the point when I said , one of our people had been shot and that can be settle amicably by a meeting between leader and a leader . Not just by some chit chat by the fire camp."
[20:51] naomi Haefnir is Offline
[20:52] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): "Be known again as I repeat this , Wari had never shoot the Cartel unless they were shooting at us. And they did"
[20:52] wildman is Offline
[20:52] Evie (missevie23): yesterday i held no weapon, only afishing pole
[20:52] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) shakes his head, "It's just my ideals. I have nothing to gain from defending them. I just believe things start somewhere, and if no one takes the first step, nothing gets resolved."
[20:53] Evie (missevie23): it threatened tweo cartel so much hey shot me
[20:53] ღ Laska ღ (neznakomka86) is Online
[20:53] Ðäxiã (ellesi): /;me's look toward Nales is direct.. almost hard .. "it is easy to smile and speak so diplomatically when you are a loose cannon and carefree adventurer.. Do not assume you understand the inner workings of this jungle .. She will go back and report the issue and now steps can be taken to right a wrong."
[20:53] swarow is Online
[20:54] Evie (missevie23): Nalex, peace is good
[20:54] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) sighs, "I think we're on the same book, just different pages. In either case, here's hoping."
[20:54] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) "Then the one who is outside from the jungle and enters the jungle should take the first step to meet the people of the some respect like you did Nalex"
[20:54] Evie (missevie23): Cartel are bloodthirsty
[20:54] Evie (missevie23): how does one quench that thirst with words?
[20:54] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) looks up, raising a brow, "And did she not want want to join us and talk?"
[20:55] Ed Digfoot is Offline
[20:55] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) points her bow to Evie " And who are you ,young lady? A scout ? A provocateur ?"
[20:55] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) raises her own brow " And what auhority does she talk to "us"?
[20:55] Evie (missevie23): oh my sister
[20:56] Evie (missevie23): i have been your neighbor many months
[20:56] Ðäxiã (ellesi) pulls her machete out of its sheath quietly and toys withthe blade . glancing at the red haired one suspicously
[20:56] Evie (missevie23): I am Tapirape
[20:56] Mando Lane is Offline
[20:56] Evie (missevie23): i bought arrows from you tonight
[20:56] Erikk Xeltentat is Offline
[20:56] Evie (missevie23): it may be my last
[20:56] Ѕεrεn Mуѕtιεrε™ (serendipity.mystiere) is Online
[20:57] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) sighs, "Instead, you shunned her, which fine, maybe it'll have some affect to the way you want...", looks up, "And what authority does she have not to? Lets put it this way; Do you think they're gonna be willing to reconcile if she goes back, and says we treated her nicely, despite things, or if she goes back, and says how rude we were to here? Again, maybe you're right, shunning might make a point... but at the same time, maybe it won't."
[20:57] 0ut0nBail is Online
[20:57] Raine Shinn is Online
[20:57] Ðäxiã (ellesi) sighes and resheaths the knife .. "white Tapi?... perhaps chattel?" she mutters
[20:58] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): ((Also, her title was Cartel Princess. She probably holds high in some esteem.))
[20:58] Aurora (auroraaeterna) is Offline
[20:59] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) laughs "We are the one being rude ? You sounded very emotionally attached to them. Didnt I tell you again and people and two of them in front of my eyes were shot? And Wari did not retaliate at all ? And you call us rude??"
[20:59] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): (I dont read tag in rp..she didnt introduce herself as such..)
[20:59] Ðäxiã (ellesi): ((her title can be all powerful cartell goddes .. doesnt change how you rp with her ass Nalex... she could be chattel for all we know ))
[20:59] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): ( not mixing ooc here just playing my character
[21:00] geogetta is Offline
[21:00] Ðäxiã (ellesi): ((protecive Mother is all the hell on!.. woot))
[21:00] Kit Cat Lover (selena.hernandoz) is Offline
[21:01] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) chuckles, "OK, poor use of words, but I believe my point stands. We aren't doing anything to help the situation, and that might be just fine and dandy in your eyes, but again, it doesn't help."
[21:01] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck): ((breaks his silence *chimes in to applaud M'Wana*))
[21:01] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): ( now you know why Bandits or most people hate me much...tongue emoticon....i have to play my character..what the point of me holding my tag..haha)
[21:02] swarow is Offline
[21:02] Ðäxiã (ellesi) chuckles softly.. poking Jynx playfully with a nimble finger .. "i thought maybe you fell back asleep Warrior"
[21:02] Ðäxiã (ellesi): ((exactly and not everyone can be sister mary sunshine ..w e all know im a surly bitch just to make it interesting.. grins ))
[21:02] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): ((I'm just saying. I'm just talking from experience, but in character too. Whether you think I'm right or wrong, or otherwise, is up to you. :P))
[21:03] Hypnofan Wingtips is Online
[21:03] Jack Sprat Could Eat No Plat (platinus.wirefly) is Offline
[21:03] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) motions his index finger to his lips and lets out a swift gust of air "Shhh!!"
[21:03] Eve Saint (eveningstar0) is Online
[21:04] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) rolls his eyes, "Anyways, it is what it is. We can argue philosophy all day, but we won't know what was right or wrong till it's done.", he shrugs, "So, just let it be."
[21:04] Ðäxiã (ellesi) frowns at Nalex "I think you speak like a white man from a white world .. with no ties or real knowledge of this jungle. We are WARI ... We will be strong and let the Cartel know.. we will not tolerate that disrespect." her words tight and firmly spoken... but breaking off to glance at Jynx as he shushes her and tries not to smile
[21:04] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) sighs as she reach for a the wooden cup of coconut water and gives it to Nalex" You are new to the jungle, Nalex..observe more. We Wari are definately peaceful people as of late but we do have dignity not to be so humble at the foot of outsider" grins" You are lucky that you didnt meet the elders who are more extreem..they are away in travels. Trust me they dont like outsider at all..not even your hair " sighs "But for now..Wari is open and friendly not untill you start the war. But War can be settle with meetings between leaders and leaders."
[21:05] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods as she herself sip some of the coconut drinks.
[21:05] Eve Saint (eveningstar0) is Offline
[21:06] Kay (spdangerous) is Online
[21:06] MoRgAnA (morgana.beedit) is Offline
[21:06] Ðäxiã (ellesi) rises to gather a cup of the sweet coconut water for herself .. returning to the circle and sipping at it quietly ... silently offering it to Jynx should he wish any.
[21:07] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) shrugs, and shakes his head, "Think as you like, it's fine. I'm not exactly part of your tribe, I just speak from experience, and I think it goes toward anything, no matter where you're from. Sure, the rules change slightly in each case, but the basis is still there, and I think people forget that, under pride, or ego, or self preservation... and that's fine. I just don't agree with it."
[21:07] Eve Saint (eveningstar0) is Online
[21:08] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) takes the cup from Daxia and sips the coconut water for himself giving her a nod showing his appreciation.
[21:08] pablito McWinnie is Online
[21:09] Zan (zannza) is Offline
[21:10] Ðäxiã (ellesi) looks like she would say more but she holds her tongue .. delicate chin set as she lets M'Wana handle the discussion with the wordy white man .. resisting the urge to play with her weapons
[21:11] MoRgAnA (morgana.beedit) is Online
[21:11] Kaella (kaella.coy) is Online
[21:12] Asmodeus Icarion (belialtheviper) is Online
[21:14] Steve Loxely (stephan.loxely) is Online
[21:14] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) sighs and almost whisper to herself as she thinks there is no use in explaining tribe affair to an outsider "We will dealt with our issue here between our people. We appreciate your concern tho. Pride and dignity is important for us. Without them we are just mere dogs who follows others around."sips her last drinks" I rather be defeated in principle ,dignity and pride rather than win with lies "
[21:15] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) stands up " I have to go and have my rest"
[21:15] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): (afk rl..ty for the ro)
[21:15] Ðäxiã (ellesi): ((rest well El .. rp was great.. thank you))
[21:15] 0ut0nBail is Offline
[21:16] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) shrugs, and nods, "Very well, it's up to you. You have your own thing, and I have little much I can say about it, but god speed. You rest well, and take care. We will see you again."
[21:17] Stormy Dragonash (stormy.somerton) is Online
[21:17] Ðäxiã (ellesi) nods deeply .. respectuflly toward El "may the gods bless and give you peaceful rest M'Wana"


Combating is not all about winning in a role-playing sim. Its about having fun of good fighting with ethical enemies while . It used to be where we role-players will even praise the enemy if he wins the fight by saying "Good fight".

Its not about collecting statistic of how many people you have killed and assaulted today. Or whether we had succeed in destroying the enemy camp and made them leave. That has turned us into griefers rather than rpers.

To encourage good role-playing and combating, here are some guidelines and rules which need to be followed when it comes to combating and alliances.
Guidelines = not mandatory but if not followed any action taken by Wari will be considered as personal action. Other Wari do not have to assist that personal action.

Rules= mandatory to be applied.

Rule: We do not ally with anyone ESPECIALLY non natives faction.

Guidelines: We may help other natives in need if they call us for help but we do not go into group bullying (e:g the incident where Wari` and other tribes attack one faction without good rp reason but just because that faction was having personal ooc conflicts with Bri) So please  avoid if you see that the enemy is being attacked by whole group of natives and the ratio of players is no fair. Best thing to do if you see situation is under control- be cool keep cool and watch. Don`t be a jumpy Wari`!

Reason of  this alliances rules :

a) We have our own In Character Background. Without holding to this core value of our IC, we only exist by name. Check back all the basic notecard about Wari`.

b) We want to avoid group bullying.

c) We do not want to be used. If you wish to help certain faction- be free to have alts for it. Your friendship with certain faction is OOC. Please do not mix with IC when you are in Amazon as Wari.

Rule : Wari` do not rp or combat with Primal, Assassins and Bandits. Wari` is encouraged to rp away from them and tell them Wari` do not rp with them and walks away. Wari` is also encouraged to have them in your list of rp banned especially Primal.Please refer to YT guidelines on how to exit the rp with someone you don't wish to rp with.

Guidelines : Anyone who is a member of Wari` is not stop to combat with them on personal basis without having alliances with the other non natives faction. If you wish to combat with any of them on alliances with another non natives faction.- create an alt to do so. Yes you can attack them with natives tribes. We wont stop you from having your revenge but please know that role-playing is not about revenge.


Few incidents that has happened to us and other tribes showed us that these groups shall do godmodding and mix with ooc and shall not respect any rules or rp limits.

3) OUR OFFICIAL ENEMY as at 27.6.2015 : CORSAIRS
Rule : Wari` shall attack Corsairs.

Guidelines : Wari` shall attack Corsairs without having alliances.


This rules and regulation is enacted to maintain the harmony and peaceful among member.

Regulated on 21/5/2015 and shall be enforce on the same date.

1. Acceptance of Membership
1.1 Any residents and members of Amazon Group of the age in real 18 years old and above.
1.2 Players who is in another tribe shall have to leave the tribe to join Wari. No players can be in more than one tribe.
1.3 If you left Wari and wants to come back, the elders and leaders will discuss whether it is worth it for you to come back. Decision will be final.

2. Acceptance of Character
Wari only accept character as below:

21. Normal adult Man shape - which means no boobs with male private part.
2.2 Normal adult Woman shape - which means not a child shape with boobs
2.3 Deleted*
2.4 Normal Animals avatar- which means not a furry or werewolf like.

3. The use of camp
3.1 Wari camp and its facilities can be use by all  Wari
3.2 Respect the private hut belong to certain supporter unless the supporter give a blanket consent to every member to use their hut.
3.3 No trading for Lindens on the camp

4.Role-playing rules except at Amazon Landing
4.1 Local chat will be only for role-playing. NO OOC shall be involve.
4.2 OOC chat shall be MINIMILISED  as possible. Use ((parenthesis)) to distinguish OOC. If it is not important for example what you eat this morning as breakfast in real- you dont have to discuss in local.
4.3 In character (IC) issues can be discussed in locals
4.4 Out Of Character (OOC) issues shall be dealt in IMs or please tp to other sim.
4.5 OOC argument between members shall be discussed in IMS.
4.7 Defaming , false representation , rumours which is in OOC mode is prohibited to be discussed when you are at Wari Camp.
4.8 Cussing and yelling words like " Dickhead" "Asshole" is considered as OOC. If you angry- be angry as a native and not like a gettho from some urban sim.

5. Sexual Role-Playing
5.1 Only takes part when both parties consented.
5.2 Rape is allowed if consented oocly by the other party.
5.3 If someone say No, means its a NO. If you keep pushing it is considered as OOCLy sexual assaulting .
5.4 Deleted*
5.5 We do not concern about your relationship with your SL partner. If you get into trouble for having sex in Wari camp- thats your problem. Settle by yourself.
5.6 Chattel can be used sexually with their consent.
5.7 No sexual assault shall be done towards any member of the Wari.
5.8 Hardcore sexual scene is allowed with consent by both parties.
5.9 Kinky sexual scene is allowed with consent by both parties.
5.10 No such thing of someone taking someone girl or guy in Wari. If your feeling involves real- setlle by yourself.
5.11 You can refuse to rp with anyone and anytime.

6. Combat Rules
6.1 No Animation Over riders (AOs) that displace your avatar during battle, including jump/somersaults        
6.2 No speed enhancers
6.3 No shields and push scripts
6.4 No AIMBOTS, WAW HUD and/or anything similar
6.5 No teleporting across the sim or out of capture
6.6 Do not detached your hud when you have been downed by an enemy.
6.7 You can detached the hud if you were downed by someone if you do not want to rp with that person.
6.8 Fight with dignity and without cheating
6.9 If you are being leashed. Respect that RP unless you do not want to rp with that person.
6.10 You can refuse to rp with anyone and anytime.

7. Attitude towards members
7.1 Always shows respect towards the other members you are rp with even if you are rping for angry mode.
7.2 No Real background, photo, history or information about that member shall be use in IC or OOC.
7.3 Respect the privacy and the right to not disclose their RL - breaking this rule will not only breach Wari regulations but will also breach Linden Labs and Personal Data Act Protection.
7.4 Shall not grief other members with verbal assault,spamming, hud or any form of action or ommission.

8. Punishment
Offender of these rules shall subject to:

1) Advise in first instance
2) Ejected from tribe
3) Proposal to owner of sim to ban the offender from Amazon.

CAUTION: SEXUAL RP WITH CHILD AVATAR shall be directly subject to punishment no.2 and 3

Dated this: 21/5/2015
By Wari Council.

Copyright of the Wari tribe.

WARI` Hierarchy

Wari` is a patriarchy tribe lead by a Chieftain. Although it is a patriarchy tribe , Wari believe in respecting a woman whom they regard as a mother to be the advisor of the tribe.This  powerful woman known as the M`wana. The tribes is supported by subgroups called as tribe clans which is lead by elders. Elders  will submit their loyalty to the tribe Chieftain.

1. Advisors to Chieftain and elders.
2.Manage the build of the land
3. Manage the current affairs of the members except  regarding wars .
4. Reference for Wari`people to seek wisdom talk (in other words- she says all the crappy things)
5. OOCLY- Will train and monitor member`s role-playing skills so that we not only have good fighters but good role-players.
6.Lead the councils meeting.
7.Advise members on disciplinary issue before goes for punishment by Chief.

Will received questions about : How to role-play as Wari` and land issues.

1.Lead the whole tribe and elders
2. Political diplomacy with other tribes
3. Lead the war
4. All complaint about members will go to the Chief
5. Lead the disciplinary trial and decide the punishment for members who break Wari` rules, regulations and spirits of tribe.
7. Strategies and tactics.

Will received question about : politic,war ,member punishment ,strategy and security of the tribe.

1. Leads  sub-clans under them (if any)
2. Councils that helps Mwana and Chief to make decision.
3. Recruitment.
4. Help Mwana and Chief manage the clan.
5. Supporter of the land
6.Mentor to people under them.

Will received question about : any issues with the clans and recruitment

1. Assists the Chieftain in leading the whole tribe and elders
2. Take over Chieftain role whenever he is logged off or away.
3. Design and creates strategy and tactics for war.


 All warriors will be a member of a different secret group. Warriors will be invited to that group soon which will be only for warriors.

All Warriors will pledged to:
1- To protect the camp and the members
2- To attack enemy of the Wari`

Warriors dont care about issues/question. They just act upon instructions and instincts. Wari Warriors wont entertain any complaints given to them. Complaints about them will go to the Wari Chief.

1. Healer- Will heal if you are shot. Find them
2. Rituals - Sexually, sacrifice, new member celebration,prayers ( they are the event planner)
3- Recruitement

Will received question about : Healing , rituals and recruitment only.

All members are Wari` tribe and shall be protected. Wari` people are divided by clans. The clans does not have organization ( to avoid too many tag that will create confusion). The clans will only be lead by one Elder.  If clans one to have organization- they only have to put in a notecard.

1. Have fun
2- Respect each other.
3. Try to emotes in rp as much as possible while in locals
4. You can be in any clan but you will only wear Wari`People tag

Captives who surrender themselves to Wari to be used as :

1) Sexual entertainment
2) War bait
3) Sacrifice for shanman rituals

Q& A about TAG and Hierachy

1- Why there is no Wari` Hunter tag?
Cause all Wari can hunt if they want. They dont have to be in war or raid but they can hunt . Unlike Warriors- they MUST hunt and attack when instructed.

2- Why dont we have tag for friends like Wari` friends?
Because we dont want to be the watch dog for other tribe`s members. If they want protection they will have to be a Wari . Period.

3- I want a special tag for my background.
A special tag means special duty for the members as stated above. Its not about power. Its about responsible. If what you wish for is only for rp related- then have your background in your pick about yourself to enhance who you are. You dont need a special tag for that. Everyone is treated the same.

4- I heard so much rumors about Wari`?
Well..welcome to Amazon. We filter people everyday due to bad attitudes such as bullying member of the tribe or people who wanting ally but still wants to be in Wari`. So these people will not be satisfied and shall spread nasty words. Come to the leader and seek the truth