Sunday 2 August 2015


Wari Adult Male and Female
1- Skin - tan or light tan ( as we live up in the hills so we are fairer). No pale skin. If you need to use pale skin..put up some tribal paint.

2-Shape - Keep adult shape for adult male and female of the tribe. If you are short beyond the normal adult avatar- you will be considered as Wari` Children even if you have boobs. Wari children shall not be allowed to be involved with sexual rp. 

3- Clothes - naked, loin cloth or fur pants anything tribal. No gorean clothing or accessories. If you need help please contact me or any of the elders. Try you very best to look like Amazon natives.

4- Weapon - try to stick to spear and bow if possible. But if you dont want to spend much on new weapon. See me or other elder for advise.

5- No you are children of the jungle. 


1- Hostile towards outsiders - bandits, raiders,trappers,assailant ,FAC. However, when rp with explorer please take note that you need to rp with them and get the signal if they are allowed to be capped.

2- Protective of the camp

3- seductive, flirtatious and sensual - this is an adult sim. I am encouraging you to be sexual as possible in the camp. We are not just a fighting tribe.

BUT the most important thing of all is to keep your role-playing in locals. Try your very best to emote your words. If you need classes in rp- Loco will keep on having classes on Tuesday and Monday. See him for RP lessons.

Try not to yell and cussing using OOC words in local. If you need to cuss go to IM. Please maintain role-playing scene in local as best as possible. 

I`m sorry if you dont like to fight but Wari` is a fighting tribe. So all Wari  except shanman who cant fight cause of the hud must know how to fight. Even Jane our chattel is fierce!

At least to defend yourself. If you don't know how to fight , please contact our Chief Brett for a lesson.

Lets try our best to make Wari the example of a good tribe both in fighting and rp


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