Sunday 2 August 2015

STARTING A GOOD RP- Mix between Para, Non -Para and just the hang-out doers"

00:04] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) laughs weakly, and sighs, nodding, "Not much to my story, really. I'm just an adventurer, and an explorer, from a long line of adventurers and explorers. I ended up here not to long ago by boat, to try and look into new places I've never seen before. My boat never came back to get me, so made an adventurer out of it, seeing new places and things. It's been a grand trip so far."
[00:05] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) watches Lexia dancing while waving to the new comers " Well hello there...come and sits by the fire" then she would turns her focus to listen to Nalex`s story.
[00:05] Sylvia (kajira.chastity) smiles but looks away blushing, seeing all the nealy naked women
[00:06] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) chuckles, "OK, who's next...? ... Elaine?"
[00:06] Alicia (alyciana) is Online
[00:06] Robbert Lowbeam: hello and thank you
[00:06] Robbert Lowbeam: agrees with the woman next to me smile emoticon
[00:07] Ðäxiã Groigair (ellesi) gives a little wave out side the to those still hovering .. and then chuckles as she looks at the Adventurer.. realizing he said all that and actually told them absolutely nothing about himself of substance. Interesting .. the little smirk returning .
[00:07] Lorne Dukaas (lorne1dukaas) is Offline
[00:08] Saara Van Essen (saaravanessen) is Online
[00:08] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) sighs "It seems boats always get missing here along this river" grins " Me?..Sure but my life is just a simple story. I`m a decedent to a leader of a tribe in the jungle . After the my father died, I took over the tribe from him and live with my people by the river"
[00:08] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): After my father died*
[00:08] 亗Âηgєℓ єуєѕ亗 (fireyrose) is Offline
[00:09] Sylvia (kajira.chastity): I... uh.... think I should... be going "says still blushing almost as red as my hair*
[00:09] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) gives a half-hearted smile and laugh, feeling the gaze, and simply shaking his head, and then smirking, "Interesting. So... I suppose leading is in your blood. That's quite the responsibility, I'm sure. But one you can be proud of. I'm sure you've done him proud."
[00:10] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): Naaah! Stay with us. We don't bite. Maybe the small one over there smirking and such, but not the rest of us.
[00:10] 亗Âηgєℓ єуєѕ亗 (fireyrose) is Online
[00:10] JamSolo (shaper.nyn) is Online
[00:11] Ðäxiã Groigair (ellesi) quirks a brow and snaps her teeth .. rather loudly .. then goes back to gazing into the fire
[00:11] Jᴜʟɪᴀ Iʟʟᴜsɪᴏɴ Mᴏᴅᴇ (judithan) is Online
[00:11] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) raises a brow of his own, then smiles, "Oh, don't be like that. How about you, Dax? What's your story?"
[00:12] BrandonSabre is Online
[00:12] Stirlande is Online
[00:12] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) stands up from her sitting and approaches Slvia" Come..dont be shy..join us" takes her hand and invite her to sit with them.
[00:13] Sylvia (kajira.chastity) jumps and almost runs off with a scream seeing the other one snapping her teeth
[00:13] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) scratches her head " I should brush my teeth..." chuckles.."Oh Well..."
[00:14] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) laughs weakly, and just shakes his head.
[00:14] Ðäxiã Groigair (ellesi) gazes up and at the male and shrugs a slender should .. "Not much to tell... ".. stressing her next word .. "Adventurer... raped my mother .. a native to the jungle and left her to die in her own blood as she birthed me... i grew up all over and was fortunate enough to have this tribe welcome me" .. giving a more than lacking story but not caring .. She did attempt to flas a small welcoming smile at the woman that seemed shaken by her
[00:14] BrandonSabre is Offline
[00:16] Iris Ariantho puts my hand to over my mouth, looking at Dax in empathy and horror...
[00:16] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) nods, understandingly, and looks around, "I suppose a lot of people haven't had the best of times.... but it's unity like this that makes the future brighter.... or so I would like to think, but only the future knows what the future holds... We just make the best of it."
[00:16] Daniella Vedrina (dan.vedrina) is Online
[00:17] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) looks over, looking at the silent man, raising a brow, "How about you, over there, mister dark, tall, and silent-type? What's your story?"
[00:18] Tonio Roffo is Online
[00:18] єναи нυит (evanhunt) is Offline
[00:18] Ðäxiã Groigair (ellesi) glances over at Iris and notes her features... making a god awful face at her and sticking out her tongue as far as it will go .. pity was the last thing she wanted .. not from anyone .. back stiffening as she again returned her gaze to the fire and ignored the talkative 'adventurer;.
[00:18] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck): i will return
[00:18] Campfire: Restricted to owner only!
[00:19] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): Annnnd, he runs off.
[00:19] Ðäxiã Groigair (ellesi) chuckles.. "a man of action .. and few words.. thats his story"
[00:19] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): I'll get you my pretty, and you're little loincloth too!!
[00:19] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) took a snapshot.
[00:19] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): Right then...
[00:19] єναи нυит (evanhunt) is Online
[00:19] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator): Before the tiny one scares her off, what's your story, Iris?
[00:19] Iris Ariantho wonders about why Dax stuck her tongue out... she didn't want to pity her...
[00:20] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) took a snapshot.
[00:20] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) took a snapshot.
[00:21] Samar Ricantaur is Online
[00:21] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) took a snapshot.
[00:21] Jynx the Djinn (syinnica.beck) took a snapshot.
[00:22] Iris Ariantho: I come from a country far away and was traveling, when I heard about an ancient temple in the jungle, mysterious and undiscovered... I was curious... and so landed here just a couple of hours ago...

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