Sunday 2 August 2015


This rules and regulation is enacted to maintain the harmony and peaceful among member.

Regulated on 21/5/2015 and shall be enforce on the same date.

1. Acceptance of Membership
1.1 Any residents and members of Amazon Group of the age in real 18 years old and above.
1.2 Players who is in another tribe shall have to leave the tribe to join Wari. No players can be in more than one tribe.
1.3 If you left Wari and wants to come back, the elders and leaders will discuss whether it is worth it for you to come back. Decision will be final.

2. Acceptance of Character
Wari only accept character as below:

21. Normal adult Man shape - which means no boobs with male private part.
2.2 Normal adult Woman shape - which means not a child shape with boobs
2.3 Deleted*
2.4 Normal Animals avatar- which means not a furry or werewolf like.

3. The use of camp
3.1 Wari camp and its facilities can be use by all  Wari
3.2 Respect the private hut belong to certain supporter unless the supporter give a blanket consent to every member to use their hut.
3.3 No trading for Lindens on the camp

4.Role-playing rules except at Amazon Landing
4.1 Local chat will be only for role-playing. NO OOC shall be involve.
4.2 OOC chat shall be MINIMILISED  as possible. Use ((parenthesis)) to distinguish OOC. If it is not important for example what you eat this morning as breakfast in real- you dont have to discuss in local.
4.3 In character (IC) issues can be discussed in locals
4.4 Out Of Character (OOC) issues shall be dealt in IMs or please tp to other sim.
4.5 OOC argument between members shall be discussed in IMS.
4.7 Defaming , false representation , rumours which is in OOC mode is prohibited to be discussed when you are at Wari Camp.
4.8 Cussing and yelling words like " Dickhead" "Asshole" is considered as OOC. If you angry- be angry as a native and not like a gettho from some urban sim.

5. Sexual Role-Playing
5.1 Only takes part when both parties consented.
5.2 Rape is allowed if consented oocly by the other party.
5.3 If someone say No, means its a NO. If you keep pushing it is considered as OOCLy sexual assaulting .
5.4 Deleted*
5.5 We do not concern about your relationship with your SL partner. If you get into trouble for having sex in Wari camp- thats your problem. Settle by yourself.
5.6 Chattel can be used sexually with their consent.
5.7 No sexual assault shall be done towards any member of the Wari.
5.8 Hardcore sexual scene is allowed with consent by both parties.
5.9 Kinky sexual scene is allowed with consent by both parties.
5.10 No such thing of someone taking someone girl or guy in Wari. If your feeling involves real- setlle by yourself.
5.11 You can refuse to rp with anyone and anytime.

6. Combat Rules
6.1 No Animation Over riders (AOs) that displace your avatar during battle, including jump/somersaults        
6.2 No speed enhancers
6.3 No shields and push scripts
6.4 No AIMBOTS, WAW HUD and/or anything similar
6.5 No teleporting across the sim or out of capture
6.6 Do not detached your hud when you have been downed by an enemy.
6.7 You can detached the hud if you were downed by someone if you do not want to rp with that person.
6.8 Fight with dignity and without cheating
6.9 If you are being leashed. Respect that RP unless you do not want to rp with that person.
6.10 You can refuse to rp with anyone and anytime.

7. Attitude towards members
7.1 Always shows respect towards the other members you are rp with even if you are rping for angry mode.
7.2 No Real background, photo, history or information about that member shall be use in IC or OOC.
7.3 Respect the privacy and the right to not disclose their RL - breaking this rule will not only breach Wari regulations but will also breach Linden Labs and Personal Data Act Protection.
7.4 Shall not grief other members with verbal assault,spamming, hud or any form of action or ommission.

8. Punishment
Offender of these rules shall subject to:

1) Advise in first instance
2) Ejected from tribe
3) Proposal to owner of sim to ban the offender from Amazon.

CAUTION: SEXUAL RP WITH CHILD AVATAR shall be directly subject to punishment no.2 and 3

Dated this: 21/5/2015
By Wari Council.

Copyright of the Wari tribe.

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