Wednesday 12 August 2015

The Moulder Theory on Abduction Is True

Our hunter , Tim Cruddas had made a report of his recent finding in Amazon- you won`t believe it but the theory is true. The alien has landed.It has explained the current missing cases of people in Amazon. We do believe our Chief has been also abducted by these aliens.
Here is his report:
"Located In Lago Marimba at the Norse camp inside a cave lies an alien spaceship. On entering you soon encounter an anti gravity field which makes maneuvering difficult but going left it is possible to descend to the lower floor and access the engine room where there are some interesting things to discover including the entrance to hanger 1 a labyrinth of corridors and rooms where you discover the computer room and by solving the puzzle you are rewarded with an anti gravity bomb. Check it out it's fun ."
Tim Cruddas reporting live from Lago Mamba

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