Sunday 2 August 2015


Cautions: Contained adult and explicit text.
[01:05] Ðäxiã (ellesi) smirks a bit and her eyes flash up at him.. "Well then are you ready?"
[01:05] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) smiles, and nods, "Yes, of course. Lead the way, Dax, and lets start.. the test.", he says with another wink, smiling devilishly.
[01:06] Ðäxiã (ellesi) turns and waves him to follow.. leading him to the nearby alter ...
[01:07] Ðäxiã (ellesi) tones are low and smooth as she sprinkesl a fine red powder over the alters flat plane "We call on the Gods to bear witness.. to pass judgment on this man... Nalex.. please lie down on the alter"
[01:09] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) nods, lying down on the alter, and lays still, as he waits for Dax to continue, smiling.
[01:13] Ðäxiã (ellesi) drips oil from a small vial alogn the edge of the table .. the strong exotic herbal scent fillign the air as she reaches forward and removes his loin cloth and undoes th e straps on his chest ... "Na na che waana eeno... n na che waana eeno" she chants softly .. sliding her hands through the oile and slowly runnign them from his chest down his rigid abs.. along his thighs then upward... teasingly.. lightly grazign them over his manhood.
[01:15] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): come over liquid..lets whisper so we wont disturb the ritual.
[01:17] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) watches as she continues, looking along as she removes his cloth and chest strap, and chuckles, smiling, watching as she continues to proceed with the ritual, the scent of the oil hitting his nose, and makes him inhale, as he feels her slide her hands along his body, don't to his manhood, and feels it start to stiffen immediately, making him smirk.
[01:22] Ðäxiã (ellesi) slowly runs her hand up his torso .. then steps back ... lighting the candles by his feet... llifing a small bowl of a crushed green powder and tossing it at the flames... there is a plume of smoke and they brun brighter ... She remvoes her garments and drops them to the ground by her feet.... again sliding her hands though the oil and slowly running them down her smooth flesh, making it glisten invitingly .. "We call the Gods to witness... God of Earth, God of the River .. God of the Sun ... the Sky and and the Moon.. Grace us with your blessing today and smile upon us with your judgment ... Show us that he worthy of the Wari!" she calls out ... again reaching over to run her hands down his body as she begins to chant
[01:23] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) listens and gives a silent chant as well hoping the spirits and the God will accept the rituals test.
[01:26] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) watches and listens intently at her actions and words, following her movements and actions, precise and ordered, watching her toss the powder into the flames, and then to her, watching her remove her garments, and admire her frame and figure, feeling himself stiffen further, with a smirk, watching her slide the oil along her skin, and nods, and feels his body tingle as he touches it and continues to chant.
[01:30] Ðäxiã (ellesi) continues to stroke his now heated flesh .. her vibrant gaze rising as she meets his .. "Nalex .. you come form afar and have met,.. taking food... defended the Wari".. her tones low but clear.. as she climbs slowly onto the alter and straddles him.. sleek frame perched above his hard, now rigid shaft .. "It is your wish .. you are willing to be judged by the Gods .. to be one with the Wari.. in spirit.. in blood and body?" she questions.. the heat of her frame teasing his as slick oiled flesh slides against one another
[01:34] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) watches as he follows her gaze feeling her stroke at him, heated, watching as she climbed slowly onto the alter with him, straddling him, watching her sleek figure perch above him, as he nodded, smiling, "Aye, I will be judge by the Gods to become a Wari, in spirit, blood, and body...", he said, with a clear voice, as he felt their bodies slide along one another, letting out a breathe, as he looked up at her, smiling.
[01:39] Ðäxiã (ellesi) reached down and produced a small sharp blade ... cutting a slice into her own palm.. then sleekly her body teased along his as she arched down to make a similar slice in his own paln... "Let there be joining in blood" she called out as she pressed her seeping palm to his .... "Let ther be joining in body" her back arching as she leaned up and slowly lowered her slick heated sex down his shaft to take his entire lenght deep into the tight recess of her body with a heated gasp "You are strong Nalex.. let our joining please the gods and may they find you worthy"
[01:44] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) winces slightly as she cut into her palm, then smiled, as he felt her palm touch his, and watched as there blood mix as one, and seep from their palms, and felt her lower herself, as she came down on him, and made him gasp in turn, feeling his length sink deep into her heat, her sex, sinking all the way to her heated core, looking up and listening to her words, and smiled, nodding, "Indeed... let it please them, and I shall I be worthy."
[01:48] Ðäxiã (ellesi) arched and writhed.. slowly, sensually she moved as she began to ride him.. tossing back her had and letting the power of his thick pulsing shaft pour though her as her hips rotated and undulated down on him ... Her small hands gripipng his chest as she arched and moaned "Show me Nales .. with our joining .. that you wish to please the Gods" she gasped out in low sultlry tones .. her gaze meeting his and holding
[01:52] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) smiled, watching her arch and writhe slowly on top on him, sensual and sleek, riding him, watching her toss back her hair, and feeling her bring herself down on his shaft, rotating and coming down again and again, feeling her hands on his chest. Hearing her words, he made a low growl, and slide his hands up to her hips, grabbing them firmly, as he brought her down harder, again and again, her small body starting to slam hard against his with each time he did, his shaft hitting deep inside her with each thrust, as he started to thrust upward, harder, faster, deeper into her heated sex, as he looked up into her gaze, and locked into hers, a smile forming as he let out a heated breath.
[01:57] Ðäxiã (ellesi) cried out as she felt his hands grip her hips and his own thrust meet hers.. there bodies melding in a fury of heated passion... The wind suddenly whipping around them as the trees moved .. the river nearby seeming to roar as the waters chunted... the flames of the candles rising, far higher than normal and burning brightly as heat poured form them. "Yessss.. The Gods smile on you Nalex!" she cried out as her slender frame arched deeper, slick molten depths clamping around his length with each impalign thrust and gripping him like fiery silk .. entire body beginning to quake and twitch as she lost herself to the pleasure tearing along her senses.
[02:02] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) growled even louder, moved by her words, as he gripped her hips tighter, letting out a sigh of pleasure, as he continued to thrust up into her again and again, moving faster, harder, gliding his hands along her hips, as the moved along them, to her rear, gripping her cheeks firmly in his hands, as he started to squeeze hard, fingers digging into her flesh as he gripped them, pulling her down to each of his quickening thrust, as he let out another sigh, thrusting his hips up even higher, harder, his body slamming hard into hers with each.
[02:08] Ðäxiã (ellesi)'s body was sheathed with a heated sheen .. glistening as she writhed and was consumed in the heat of his body joining hers .. every thrust driving her higher .. harder to the brink of mindless oblivioun ... Placing his cut palm to her chest and her on on his to smear them both withth eir combined blood as she threw herhead back and screamed her release as intense tides of pleasre ripped though her. Sick hot depths of her flesh clamping... gripping him as it quivered and milked his shaft and felt bliss wash over her entire being.. All the while the wild winds, roar of the river .. heat of the flames enveloping them in an almost magical haze of the jungle.
[02:15] Nalex Ardan (thecaptivator) growled once more, and felt the combination of their heat, soaring and melding between them, as he felt his hand slided, along her chest, as he felt hers slide along his, making him sigh, as he slowly slide it further along her chest, as if marking each other to one, and let out another moan, as he felt his pleasure rise with hers, as he started to hear her scream, feeling her shatter on top of him, as he felt his own pleasure rise to it's peak, and began to release, feeling heat unleash into her blissed body again and again, feeling the winds and river roar around them, heat rising and bringing them together in a wild, unrestrained envelopment of bliss..
[02:18] Ðäxiã (ellesi) collapsed onto his chest with a final cry after feeling him grow, twitch.. pulse as he released inside her depths. She panted softly as his heart beat strong beneath her cheek. Her words breathy... soft.. but clear "The gods have been well pleased Nalex... you are fully one with the Wari .. Welcome home my brother."

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