Sunday, 2 August 2015


Issues: Wari are concerned about the presence of outsiders namely Cartel at the camp. In fact Wari was getting defensive seeing Cartel around the camp.For this matter , the leader of Cartel has come to see Mwana of Wari to discuss the matter and to reach an agreement point .
18:07] LINK (robstyles): hello
[18:07] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): Elaine we here in peace
[18:07] LINK (robstyles): yes we are
[18:08] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods to the familiar face "Yes, lady. We`ve met before .Do come in "
[18:08] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): ty
[18:08] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): our leader link
[18:08] LINK (robstyles): ok I'm here to discuss some problems you having with the Crtel ?
[18:08] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): not sure if you have met
[18:09] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) looks at the man "I`m El of the Wari. Mother of the tribe. I think its better if we speak in the leader tent to apprieciate you being a leader as well"
18:13] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): This way please
[18:14] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Please have a sit leader of cartel
[18:14] LINK (robstyles): thank you
[18:15] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): About the problem , I will explain to you who is Wari in a brief
[18:15] White Fang (rakein) is Online
[18:16] Lexia Moonstone is Offline
[18:16] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We used to be a tribe that despised the outsiders. However now seeing that Amazon has opened a very wide door to outsiders that tribes are getting extinct...Wari have to accept and survive the current situation
[18:17] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Having say so ,leader of Cartel...We are open for outsiders who do not have any ill intention towards us the natives"nods to him.
[18:17] LINK (robstyles): ok
[18:18] Raine Shinn is Online
[18:18] LINK (robstyles): well we don't bother the Natives
[18:18] Conte Alchemi is Offline
[18:19] LINK (robstyles): We understand that we have to Co Exist with the natives
[18:20] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " to share and use what the mother land gives us with most rightful manner, yes."
[18:20] LINK (robstyles): and if there is any problems with Wari and Cartel its my job to settle things the correct way
[18:21] LINK (robstyles): all we come to do at the luve temple is to hunt and fish
[18:21] LINK (robstyles): We would love for this area to be a safe zone for us and i will do my best to see that the Wari tribe is respected
18:23] LINK (robstyles): yes we do come here a lot but just to hunt and fish
18:23] LINK (robstyles): sometimes the crocs knock us here btu we lease and apologize to Wari always
[18:23] JohnnGalt is Offline
[18:24] LINK (robstyles): leave and zpologize*
[18:24] LINK (robstyles): but we never have a problem with Wari that i canthink of
[18:24] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) smiles " My people have told me that they have been shot by your people before , even one of your girl shot me while I was sleeping. However , you have apologize to us leader of cartel and that is a very respectful thing so far ..and Wari respect that"
18:25] LINK (robstyles): i will do my best to keep the calm between us and Wari
[18:25] LINK (robstyles): those that knows me know i will
[18:25] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " And the gifts that your present to us here is accepted as a token of being respectful to each other" takes the gift from him.
[18:26] LINK (robstyles): accept this gift as a apology to Wari tribe
[18:26] кђαℓเ (khaliesi) is Online
[18:26] TYPO (mrtypo.cobalt) is Offline
[18:26] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods "We accept it,Leader of Cartel"
[18:27] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): However We do have to make it clear to you that we do not ally with any outsider.
[18:27] LINK (robstyles): and that i have notice
[18:27] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We accept you as people who come to trade with us...
[18:27] LINK (robstyles): yes
[18:27] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): We are traders you see...
[18:27] LINK (robstyles): ok
[18:28] LINK (robstyles): we are friends with all natives tribes and thats the only way the Cartel can Exist in the jungle
[18:28] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): So we accept and regards you as people who trade fish and crocs meat with us. For that matter our camp is open for you. But in any case of attack by your enemy- We do not gives orders to our people to help you.
[18:28] Lady Alissa (nastymomma) is Offline
[18:28] LINK (robstyles): so much respect to your tribe
[18:29] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods " We give the respect to you as well ,leader of cartel. I will inform this matter to our head of warrior."
[18:29] LINK (robstyles): understand
[18:30] LINK (robstyles): ok and thank you for the invite
[18:30] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) stands up and draws the curtain" You are much welcome"
[18:30] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): so nice to see you again
[18:30] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): For you Sensual
[18:30] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): I have a gift..
[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): this is an amulet of singing
[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) takes out her amulet
[18:31] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): wow i am much grateful
[18:31] Sensual Serenity received your inventory offer.
[18:31] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): ty
[18:31] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) smiles "It has singing spells in it for you to enjoy.Take it as a token of friendship from our side"
[18:31] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): if there is anything i can help with plz let me know
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya) nods" I will"
[18:32] Sensual Scalisi- Solomon (sensual.serenity): ty
[18:32] LINK (robstyles): ok tc Elaine good meeting you
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Like wise
[18:32] кђαℓเ (khaliesi) is Offline
[18:32] Elaine Batrisya (batrisya): Have a safe walk down there
Conclusion of the meeting:
1) Cartel had asked for permission to use our area to trade and to hunt fish. Wari agree as long as Cartel do not show any threat to Wari. So Cartel may use Wari area to hunt fish,shoot crocs and trade at Wari stall.
2) Cartel has apologized for the incident of shooting towards Wari. Cartel will ensure that there is no more shooting involves.
3) Wari tribe is a trader tribe as well. So Cartel is one of Wari`s client. Wari only concern is only to trade with Cartel.
4) Wari do not ally with Cartel at all.
5) Wari do not interfere with Cartel combating issues with others. Wari shall not assits and shall not give protection to Cartel.

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